Night flight

We're waiting for you

Score: 0 points

Night flight


Guide your dragon through perilous night sky

Beware of lanterns and avoid touching the buildings

Listen to a story

Long, long, long time ago...
Far, far, far away from here...

There was a land where humans, dragons and other creatures of Magick lived side by side. Every year they would gather and celebrate their friendhip.

For this one night a year the dragons would circle the skies finding their way among myriads of lanterns, a plethora of lights and the sound of merry voices.

Controls & help

WSAD keys

Use keyboard arrows or WSAD keys or Space key to control your flyer.

Hit one time for short move or press longer for smooth flight.

Arrow keys

Enjoy your flight and earn as much score as you can.
Have fun!

Game over.

You score: points.


Game designed & coded by @ireshka

Please visit Project Github Page for more details and credits for all used stuff.

Special thanks for my beloved and patient testers.